Industry leading Customer Service Program

Excellent customer service isn't just a promise! We back it up with our industry leading CAVCO On-site Program.
Our On-Site Program will make your home buying experience professional, pleasant and organized. Wholesale Manufactured Homes has arranged for all of our homes built by CAVCO to be inspected twice. The first inspection will take place before you move in. This is the Pre-Walk inspection and insures that all electrical, plumbing, gas and appliances are functioning properly. At this time a thorough walk through will take place during which interior and exterior doors and windows will be adjusted and paint and caulking will be touched up. The installation of the home will also be inspected to make sure it meets requirements.
The second step is a prescheduled customer walk-through and orientation. This will introduce you to your home’s various safety and functional features. During this orientation your technician will make every effort to correct any deficiencies noted. Any remaining uncorrected items will be scheduled for a follow up visit.
The purpose of this program is to make sure we provide you with the home you ordered and understand how to get the most out of it. Most importantly we want to make sure you are completely satisfied!